We believe in following the pattern set by the Apostles in the first-century church. So you will find us
gathering together on the first day of the week (Sunday) to partake of the Lord’s Supper,
worship in song, pray, hear the Word of God, fellowship together, and give as we are prospered.
(Acts 20:7; Ephesians 5:19; 1 Corinthians 16:2).
We have many other opportunities to get together for Bible Study, Fellowship, Service projects and
fun events as together we use our various gifts to be the church.
fun events as together we use our various gifts to be the church.
Our goal in all we do is to worship God in Spirit and Truth, and to honor the Word of God (the Bible)
as our only rule for faith and practice.
Our Elders are open to studying and discussing what the Bible says on any and all issues with anyone with open hearts. We do not claim to be perfect, but have confidence in the Bible as God’s inspired word and strive to let it be
“a lamp unto our feet and a light unto our path.”
We invite you to come and join us.
You will find our congregation a loving, caring place where your questions are welcome and your prayer requests are honored. We are a nurturing family, dedicated to growing in our knowledge of God and our walk with Jesus.