Jun 11, 2017
Be a Blessing
By: Brian Lewis
Series: Genesis
God tells Abram to go and that he will be blessed. He also tells Abram that he will be a blessing. Today we look at how Abram does that in Genesis 12 through 14, and how each of us is also blessed and should be a blessing to others.

- Jun 11, 2017Be a Blessing
Jun 11, 2017Be a BlessingBy: Brian LewisSeries: GenesisGod tells Abram to go and that he will be blessed. He also tells Abram that he will be a blessing. Today we look at how Abram does that in Genesis 12 through 14, and how each of us is also blessed and should be a blessing to others.
- Jun 4, 2017Who Will They See?
Jun 4, 2017Who Will They See?By: Brian LewisSeries: GenesisAs we continue our Genesis series, we look at two stories that might seem unrelated: the tower of Babel and the day of Pentecost. While languages and people are separated in Genesis 11, they are brought together in Acts 2. The difference is where the focus is placed. Do our words and actions point people toward God?
- May 28, 2017Noah
May 28, 2017NoahBy: Brian LewisSeries: GenesisThe story of Noah and the ark in Genesis 6 through 9 can be a difficult one. In the midst of the destruction of the flood, we see a story of deliverance. God remembers the family of Noah, and Noah remembers God. Let's always remember what God is doing in our lives and the deliverance He still brings.
- May 21, 2017Walking With God
May 21, 2017Walking With GodBy: Brian LewisSeries: GenesisAfter the fall in Genesis 3, we see a divide between two parts of the family of Adam and Eve. One side allows sin to rule while the other calls on the name of the Lord. Will we choose to walk with God?
- May 14, 2017Ups and Downs
May 14, 2017Ups and DownsBy: Brian LewisSeries: GenesisWe have begun a new series on the book of Genesis. We covered chapter 1 in a song and scripture service that was not recorded. This week in chapters 2 and 3 we find the man that God created alone in the garden. God creates a woman, so he will no longer be alone. Then temptation, sin, shame and blame enter the picture. Through it all, God provides what they need and begins a theme that will run throughout the Bible of providing a way for us to return to Him.
- Apr 23, 2017Getting Ready
Apr 23, 2017Getting ReadyBy: Brian LewisSeries: Following Jesus (Gospel of Mark)Our series on the Gospel of Mark ends this week with a lesson from Mark 14. Jesus is getting ready for His trials and death. He reveals in this chapter that two of His apostles will let Him down. One will betray and one will deny. Both will find themselves broken as a result. Both will be faced with a choice of what to do next. When we are broken, God has not left us. Like Peter, we can turn back to Him and do greater things than we imagined possible.
- Apr 16, 2017He Is Risen
Apr 16, 2017He Is RisenBy: Brian LewisSeries: Following Jesus (Gospel of Mark)He is risen. The tomb is empty. This is proof of the power of God over death. It gives us hope for life with Him. Celebrate the resurrection with us this week!
- Apr 9, 2017Losing Control
Apr 9, 2017Losing ControlBy: Brian LewisSeries: Following Jesus (Gospel of Mark)Many of us have control issues. At the beginning and end of Mark 12, we see two very different ways people deal with control issues and money. In the middle of the chapter, Jesus shows us how to let go of our control by loving God and loving people.
- Apr 4, 2017Bringing Into Focus
Apr 4, 2017Bringing Into FocusBy: Brian LewisSeries: Following Jesus (Gospel of Mark)On the surface the stories of the triumphal entry, the fig tree and the cleansing of the temple in Mark 11 may seem unrelated. However, they all teach us a lesson about our expectations and reality and what God intends for us to be.
- Mar 26, 2017Upside Down
Mar 26, 2017Upside DownBy: Brian LewisSeries: Following Jesus (Gospel of Mark)Who is important? Our culture tends to value fame, money, power and influence as indicators of people that matter. In Mark 10, Jesus turns that system upside down and shows us that God cares about those that the world might think are insignificant and that wealth can get in the way of our relationship with Him if we allow it.
- Mar 19, 2017Listen to Him
Mar 19, 2017Listen to HimBy: Brian LewisSeries: Following Jesus (Gospel of Mark)Peter, James and John could not imagine the experience they were about to have in Mark 9. This week we'll look at the significance of the transfiguration and why Moses and Elijah were there with Jesus.
- Mar 12, 2017Now What?
Mar 12, 2017Now What?By: Brian LewisSeries: Following Jesus (Gospel of Mark)The first half of the Gospel of Mark is a series of miracles and healings that draw people to Jesus and amaze them with His power. In chapter 8, Jesus helps the apostles see the difficulty that is coming in His life and the challenges they will face if they continue to follow.
- Mar 5, 2017Inside Out
Mar 5, 2017Inside OutBy: Brian LewisSeries: Following Jesus (Gospel of Mark)In Mark 7, the Pharisees question Jesus about His disciples. Their concern: eating with unclean hands. It's not the germ issue we have today; the Pharisees want to know why they are not honoring the tradition of ceremonial hand washing. Like many people today, they are worried about outward appearances. Jesus takes the occasion to teach everyone about the importance of what is inside.
- Feb 26, 2017Working Together
Feb 26, 2017Working TogetherBy: Brian LewisSeries: Following Jesus (Gospel of Mark)In Mark 6, we learn that Jesus Himself knows that His ministry would be more effective if He combined His own efforts and the efforts of the apostles. He intends for us to follow that example and multiply our influence.
- Feb 19, 2017The Lost Son (Eugene Rally 2017)
Feb 19, 2017The Lost Son (Eugene Rally 2017)By: Brian WilliamsSeries: Eugene RallyGuest speaker, Brian Williams, wraps up our youth rally weekend with this lesson from Luke 15. Now matter how far away we go, the Father is always ready to run to meet us. Our theme for the weekend was "Do Not Fear." Knowing that God is always there for us is the greatest reason to have no fear.
- Feb 12, 2017Amazing Power
Feb 12, 2017Amazing PowerBy: Brian LewisSeries: Following Jesus (Gospel of Mark)This week we look at three miracles Jesus performs in chapters 4 and 5 of the gospel of Mark. In the stilling of the storm, the healing of a woman and the raising of a child from the dead; we see evidence of the power of Jesus over nature, sickness and even death. He can still show His power in the storms, health issues and loss in our lives.
- Feb 5, 2017What Do You Seek?
- Jan 29, 2017Round Lake Sunday
Jan 29, 2017Round Lake SundayBy: Tyler BoormanSeries: MiscThis week, Tyler Boorman talks about the work going on atRound Lake Christian Camp and concludes with some thoughts from Philippians 2.
- Jan 22, 2017Impossible Mission
Jan 22, 2017Impossible MissionBy: Brian LewisSeries: Following Jesus (Gospel of Mark)In Mark 2, a group of friends encounter several obstacles on their way to bring a friend to Jesus for healing. Even though their mission seems impossible, they overcome everything in their way. As a result, Jesus commends their faith and heals their friend. What obstacles do we allow to come between us and Jesus?
- Jan 15, 2017Following Jesus
Jan 15, 2017Following JesusBy: Brian LewisSeries: Following Jesus (Gospel of Mark)This week we begin a new series on the Gospel of Mark. We will look at Mark 1 and see what people find when they come into contact with the Savior.
- Jan 1, 2017Unchanging and Changing
Jan 1, 2017Unchanging and ChangingBy: Brian LewisSeries: MiscAs we begin a new year, many of us have in mind things about ourselves that we would like to change in 2017. While considering those, it is comforting to know that we can rely on the unchanging God.
- Dec 25, 2016Just a Moment
Dec 25, 2016Just a MomentBy: Brian LewisSeries: MiscOne moment would change the course of history and reverse the numbers on our calendars. Jesus did not enter the world with the fanfare we might expect, but that does not change the significance of that one moment when God came into the world as a baby.
- Dec 11, 2016The Announcement
Dec 11, 2016The AnnouncementBy: Brian LewisSeries: MiscThe lives of Joseph and Mary were about to change forever. This week we look at the messages they received from God about the Child they would raise.
- Dec 4, 2016Who Is Jesus?
Dec 4, 2016Who Is Jesus?By: Brian LewisSeries: MiscAs we begin the Christmas season, we will look at how scripture describes Jesus and how so many people around Him were looking for the wrong thing. It is His character rather than His physical characteristics that make Him the perfect Messiah.
- Nov 20, 2016Working Together
Nov 20, 2016Working TogetherBy: Brian LewisSeries: MiscThe Christian life was never intended to be an idle life. Paul writes in 1 Thessalonians 5 about the work we have to do and the fact that we should not be taking it on alone.