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Jan 31, 2016
Higher Perspective
By: Brian Lewis
Series: James: Faith at Work
As we struggle with sin, there is a temptation to downplay our own sin and magnify the sins of others. Instead, God wants us to be realistic about our own sin problem and work daily to overcome it.
- Jan 31, 2016Higher Perspective
Jan 31, 2016Higher PerspectiveBy: Brian LewisSeries: James: Faith at WorkAs we struggle with sin, there is a temptation to downplay our own sin and magnify the sins of others. Instead, God wants us to be realistic about our own sin problem and work daily to overcome it.
- Jan 24, 2016Don’t Take What God Is Trying to Give You
Jan 24, 2016Don’t Take What God Is Trying to Give YouBy: Randy WillinghamSeries: MiscDr. Randy Willingham from Harding University was with us this weekend to lead our Men's Workshop and was our guest speaker this Sunday morning. He wraps up his thoughts for the weekend with a reminder of what the church should be and whose vision we should be following.
- Jan 23, 2016Biblical Leadership – Part 2
Jan 23, 2016Biblical Leadership – Part 2By: Randy WillinghamSeries: MiscDr. Randy Willingham from Harding University was with us this weekend to lead our Men's Workshop. This is the second of his two part presentation about biblical leadership, the use of power, dealing with difficult people and church life.
- Jan 23, 2016Biblical Leadership – Part 1
Jan 23, 2016Biblical Leadership – Part 1By: Randy WillinghamSeries: MiscDr. Randy Willingham from Harding University was with us this weekend to lead our Men's Workshop. This is the first of his two part presentation about biblical leadership, the use of power, dealing with difficult people and church life.
- Jan 19, 2016Choose Wisely
Jan 19, 2016Choose WiselyBy: Brian LewisSeries: James: Faith at WorkGod desires a relationship with us. In return, He wants us to make a choice about who we will follow. Are we all in?
- Jan 12, 2016Who Is Wise?
Jan 12, 2016Who Is Wise?By: Brian LewisSeries: James: Faith at WorkMany of us know a lot of facts, but the truly wise are able to put that knowledge into practice. The Christian life should be one where the knowledge of scripture influences our daily walk.
- Jan 3, 2016Sticks and Stones
Jan 3, 2016Sticks and StonesBy: Brian LewisSeries: James: Faith at WorkSticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me. Most of us heard that phrase in childhood. We have enough life experience to know that words can hurt, whether intentional or unintentional. James encourages us to think more about our words and the effect they can have on others.
- Dec 27, 2015Faith Works
Dec 27, 2015Faith WorksBy: Brian LewisSeries: James: Faith at WorkIf we believe something, it should change our behavior. In James 2, we are reminded that faith and works are both important parts of the Christian walk.
- Dec 20, 2015God With Us
Dec 20, 2015God With UsBy: Brian LewisSeries: MiscThis week we share "good news of great joy." God was not content to stay distant. He did not walk away because sin separates us from Him. He sent His Son into the world to live among us to so that we could one day live with Him. God is with us.
- Dec 13, 2015Who’s Your Favorite
Dec 13, 2015Who’s Your FavoriteBy: Brian LewisSeries: James: Faith at WorkPeople tend to make judgments about the worth of others based on appearance, social status, wealth, ethnicity and other outward differences. James cautions against that kind of favoritism and encourages us to value others the way God does.
- Dec 6, 2015Listen and Do
Dec 6, 2015Listen and DoBy: Brian LewisSeries: James: Faith at WorkJames 1:19 says that, "Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry." This week we talk about getting a better handle on our anger and doing what the word says.
- Nov 29, 2015Giving Thanks
Nov 29, 2015Giving ThanksBy: Brian LewisSeries: MiscAs we spend this time of year giving thanks and remembering family, let's remember how God tells us in Deuteronomy 6 to remember Him and share about him with our families.
- Nov 22, 2015Don’t Be Deceived
Nov 22, 2015Don’t Be DeceivedBy: Brian LewisSeries: James: Faith at WorkAs we continue our series on James, it is clear that the values of our culture and the values of Christians are very different. This week we look at how God defines high and low positions and how our desires lead toward good or bad actions.
- Nov 15, 2015Lost and Found (Guest Speaker – Dale Linge)
Nov 15, 2015Lost and Found (Guest Speaker – Dale Linge)By: Dale LingeSeries: MiscGuest Speaker, Dale Linge, shares this lesson from Matthew 28 and tells about the good work being done by Churches of Christ Disaster Relief Effort. You can learn more about the organization at or view the video referenced during the lesson at
- Nov 8, 2015Perseverance
Nov 8, 2015PerseveranceBy: Brian LewisSeries: James: Faith at WorkThis week we begin a new series on the book of James. Trials come our way frequently. Have you ever taken the time to consider that our attitudes about those trials are under our control? In James 1, we learn that God can use those trials to develop our perseverance.
- Nov 1, 2015The Sower
Nov 1, 2015The SowerBy: Brian LewisSeries: MiscIn Matthew 13, Jesus tells the story of a farmer sowing some seed. As Christians, our responsibility is to share the good news of Jesus with those we encounter. People will respond in different ways, but we should still continue sowing that seed.
- Oct 25, 2015Do Good
Oct 25, 2015Do GoodBy: Brian LewisSeries: MiscAfter learning about the fruit of the Spirit in Galatians 5, we see what the fruit is like at work. As we do life together as a church, a big part of our job is to do good.
- Oct 18, 2015Living by the Spirit
Oct 18, 2015Living by the SpiritBy: Brian LewisSeries: MiscIn the beginning of Galatians 5, Paul reminds us that we should quit trying to be slaves to things we have been freed from. As he closes the chapter, he shows us what a life led by the Spirit should look like.
- Oct 11, 2015Be Free
Oct 11, 2015Be FreeBy: Brian LewisSeries: MiscIn Galatians 5, Paul writes about the freedom we have in Christ. Even though we have been set free, we often return to the things that made us slaves. In the case of the church at Galatia, it was traditions that they tried to bind on each other. What keeps us from truly being free?
- Oct 4, 2015Peace of God
Oct 4, 2015Peace of GodBy: Brian LewisSeries: MiscIn difficult times, it is helpful to remember that God is still present and that He offers peace. Today we explore two passages about calming our fears and finding His peace.
- Sep 27, 2015Flying Away
Sep 27, 2015Flying AwayBy: Brian LewisSeries: Life of JesusBetween his resurrection and ascension, Jesus made several appearances to individuals and groups. As we close our series on the life of Jesus this week, we will talk about some of those appearances, the reasons they may have happened and the job he left for us to do.
- Sep 20, 2015Words From the Cross
Sep 20, 2015Words From the CrossBy: Brian LewisSeries: Life of JesusDuring his crucifixion, Jesus makes seven statements that are recorded in the gospels. Each of them tells us something about who he is and what he found to be important.
- Sep 13, 2015Betrayal and Denial
Sep 13, 2015Betrayal and DenialBy: Brian LewisSeries: Life of JesusTwelve apostles would follow Jesus for three years of ministry. Near the end, one would betray him and another would deny him. In those watershed moments, they each had to decide what to do next. The paths Judas and Peter chose could not be more different. In the aftermath of our greatest mistakes, we have the opportunity to choose the direction our stories will turn.
- Sep 6, 2015Where God Lives
Sep 6, 2015Where God LivesBy: Brian LewisSeries: MiscIn the Old Testament, God gave instructions on how to assemble the tabernacle and later on how to build the temple. Those were the places that priests had access to God and could seek forgiveness for the people. In Ephesians 2, Paul explains the much better access we have to God under the new law. We are now citizens of His kingdom, and His Spirit lives within us.
- Aug 30, 2015As I Have Done
Aug 30, 2015As I Have DoneBy: Brian LewisSeries: Life of JesusIn John 13, Jesus and his disciples are at a table preparing for a meal, when he begins to make his way around the table and washes each of their feet. He gives them and us an incredible example of what it means to be a servant.